
So uh, a bit of background into what’s inspiring Storymode’s story / plot. I, like a lot of other people, love Undertale, and a big part of why I love it so much is because what you do affects the plot and overall feel of the game.

I also really liked how Oneshot let me talk to the protagonist, Niko, but was a little bit disappointed by the fact the conversations didn’t affect the way the story pans out at all. 

So the idea with Storymode is to kinda pair these two things together, where your interactions with Nul and your actions through Nul will affect the way Nul talks to you as well as the way the story as a whole pans out.

So that’s all I wanted to pop in to say, I’m shooting to get the demo out by December 15 at the earliest and the end of December by the latest, so mark your calender. 

Just kinda circle the whole month for now but keep that eraser handy as the closer it gets to December the more I’m going to realize how long its actually going to take and how much I’ve over estimated how fast I can do things.

That’s a joke, mostly. 

But yeah, see you again in December!

hey hey hey check it out!